Black bars expanding
over an atomic-yellow ground — feelers retracted —
the monarch lay flat on the street
and did not move at all
when I lifted it
onto my spiral
and did not move the whole length of the block
during which I held the purple laminated
cover still as
possible —
my gaze
fretting the edges of
the wings, ruffling the surface where it seemed
light from another century
beat against those black bars —yellow, yellow, gorgeous, in-
bells, chimes, flutes, strings —wind seized and blown
open —butter yellow, fever yellow,
yellow of acid and flax,
lemon and chrome
madder, mikado, justic, canary —
yellow the singers exhale that rises, fanged, laughing,
up through the architraves and out (slow) through the hard
the rose-windows press
onto the rising gaze,
yellow of cries forced through that minds design,
like a clean verdict,
like a structure of tenses and persons for the gusting
minutes (so many flecks, spores,
in the wide still beam of sun)
or the gaze’s stringy grid of nerves
spreading out onto
whatever bright new world the eyes would seize upon —
pronged optic animal the incandescent thing
must rise up to and spread into, and almost burn
its way
clear through
to be.